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Air Blow Heater

Thermocontroller built-in heater controller

Thermocontroller built-in heater controller

[Attention] HCA series can not control the halogen heater. The control of the halogen heater recommends HCV series, HHC2 series, and SSC series. HCA has a built-in high-performance temperature controller, handling is easy. *HCA has initially set to AT2 (Stability). ...

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Basic knowledge of Resin heating 1.Reference books

Basic knowledge of Resin heating - Table of contents

Reference books were published in Japan. Therefore, it will be written in Japanese. 高分子のはなし / 功刀滋著 /三共出版/2014 ナノテク材料 : ポリマーナノコンポジット絶縁材料の世界 / 先端複合ポリマーナノコンポジット誘電体の応用技術調査専門委員会編 /電気学会/オーム社 (発売)/2014 トコトンやさしいプラスチック成形の本 / 横田明著 /日刊工業新聞社/2014//B&Tブックス/今日からモノ知りシリーズ プラスチックハードコート材料の最新技術 / 矢澤哲夫監修 /普及版/シーエムシー出版/2014//CMCテクニカルライブラリー:523/新材料・新素材シリーズ 生物とコラボする : バイオプラスチックの未来 / 工藤律子著 /岩波書店/2013//岩波ジュニア新書:759 プラスチックスの上昇と下降、そしてメロンの理力(メジャー・フォース) : ...

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Basic knowledge of Resin heating – Table of contents

Basic knowledge of Resin heating - Table of contents

This online seminar is intended to be illustrative and clarity the mechanism of the resin heating. 1.Reference books 2.History of Resin-1 Polymer, Resins and Plastic 2.History of Resin-2 Invention of synthetic resin 2.History of Resin-3 Chronology 3.The kind of resin-1 The type of bond ...

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No.3 Diffusion annealing test of steel material

Diffusion annealing test of steel material - Profile-maker SSC series

[ Problem Point ] Heater controller that can be set to a heat cycle of problems = diffusion annealing has been troubled without [ ⇒Kaizen Point ] Were set using the trapezoidal control function of the profile manufacturer SSC.Then, turn ...

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Stepset Controller Profile-maker SSC series

Stepset Controller Profile-maker SSC series

Condition setting, confirmation and recording, the heater controller of 3 function 1 equipment. Profile-maker SSC series Memory card data folder function Read the heating data from the memory card, and can edit the tables and graphs in EXCEL. Heating data ...

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5-3.Efficient method of Infrared ray drying

5-3-1.Distance from the Heater

5-3-1.Distance from the Heater The infrared rays are projected from the heater to reach the heating object is propagated through space. Because the space is not being vacuum exists air, infrared rays will be to heat the air. And, correspondingly, ...

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5-2.Heat balance equation of Infrared ray drying

Heat balance equation of Infrared ray drying

The electrical energy (electric power) supplied from the power supply serves as electromagnetic waves, and jumps out of a heating element. The electromagnetic waves exist wavelength of various kinds, but the most effective in heating is infrared rays. The low- ...

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5-1.Infrared rays wavelengths and water

5-1.Infrared rays wavelengths and water

5-1-1.Water will absorb the infrared. The difference between the absorption rate by the wavelength of infrared Although there are, as shown in the figure below, the thickness of the water film it absorb 100% infrared at any wavelength and more ...

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Deburring of ABS resin

Deburring of ABS resin

*Check Video is here This video is a Deburring of ABS resin air by the Air Blow Heater. Please check the following site for more information.

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4-5.Drying speed and angle of the hot air

4-5.Drying speed and angle of the hot air - Science of the drying

The case of hot air flows parallel to the material (co-current) In order to contact a high temperature hot air near a material entrance, a drying speed is large and decreases to urgency after that. Since material contacts a high ...

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4-3.Drying speed and temperature of the hot air

Changes of the saturation water vapor amount by hot air temperature

4-3-1.Features of the hot wind heat source Dryness with constant temperature and humidity of a hot wind is called the constant drying condition. If the temperature of a hot air is changed, the relative humidity and specific heat, density, viscosity, ...

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