Home / Halogen Double-Sided Heater / Halogen Double-Sided Heater Products

Halogen Double-Sided Heater Products

Halogen Double-Sided Heater


Price List

Heater Controller

HCV Series

Manual power controller HCV Series for Halogen heater

Manual power controller HCV Series for Halogen heater


HHC Series

Overview of the high-performance heater controller HHC2 series

Overview of the high-performance heater controller HHC2 series


Power Cable for Heater Controller

Overview of the Power Cable for Heater Controller
Overview of the Power Cable for Heater Controller

Application examples of halogen double-sided heaters

  1. Preheating a small press mold
  2. Preheating aluminum die casting mold
  3. Preheating of resin molding mold
  4. Fusion press fitting of resin parts
  5. Laminating adhesive drying
  6. Activation of adhesives for reversible fabric processing
  7. Hermetic welding of thermoplastic resins
  8. Preventing stringiness with non-contact heating plate
  9. Heat fusion of resin pipes
  10. Heat fusion of resin rods
  11. Shortening takt time with non-contact hot plate


Best Application Movies

  1. Double-sided heating of PVC pipe
  2. Double-sided heating of polyester pipe


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