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Air Blow Heater

2-10.The Psychrometric charts

Psychrometric charts A psychrometric chart for sea-level elevation Terminology A psychrometric chart is a graph of the thermodynamic parameters of moist air at a constant pressure, often equated to an elevation relative to sea level. The ASHRAE-style psychrometric chart, shown ...

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2-8.The principle of the Psychrometer

The principle of the Psychrometer - Science of the drying

If alcoholic disinfection is carried out before injecting, when alcohol evaporates, he will have a cold feeling to because heat is taken. In order for a liquid to turn into gas, energy is required and this energy is called evaporation ...

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2-7.Psychrometer and Hygrometer

2-7-1.Spirits of Dry and Wet Líu Ān (Chinese: 劉安, c.179 – 122 BC) was a Chinese king and advisor to his nephew, Emperor Wu of Han (武帝). The old days of more than 2000 years from now, Concept of humidity ...

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2-5.Absolute humidity

Absolute humidity Generally, if it is only called “Humidity”, “Relative Humidity =RH” will be pointed out, but it is convenient to use the absolute humidity from which a value does not change in a design or control of a drier ...

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2-4.Relative humidity RH

Relative humidity RH Relative humidity is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in an air-water mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of water at a prescribed temperature. The relative humidity of air depends on temperature and the ...

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2-3.Ask for saturation water vapor pressure

The saturation water vapor amount is the representation of g in the mass of water vapor that can be present in the space of 1m3. Absolute humidity volume, saturation water vapor density is also known as, aka. Saturation water vapor ...

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2-1.What is the humidity?

The Chapter 1 focused on moisture inside material. The Chapter 2 focuses on the moisture emitted in the form of vapor into the air. Definition of the humidity Of humidity, it is a representation of a number the wetness in ...

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1-9.How to expressions the constant drying period

Constant drying period is the mass of the water which evaporates per unit time and unit surface area. The unit is kg/s㎡. Constant drying rate Jc is expressed by the following equation. kH: Mass transfer coefficient Hw: Saturated absolute humidity ...

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1-2.The phase shift of the ustulation

Ⅰ.Preheat piriod The material change from initial state to the state that fitted the dry condition. Ⅱ.Constant drying period The surface and the central temperature of materials are kept by the equivalence, and the period which water content decreases linearly ...

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1-1.What is drying

The drying is the process of giving heat and a wind to the moist material containing liquids, a small amount of water and a solvent, evaporating a liquid, removing, and drying a product. As a typical example, in the process ...

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Introduction-Science of the drying

More quickly, More uniformly, demanded from the dry process in the manufacture. In order to realize it, it is important to know how heat and a substance will move in the from internal to surface for dryness. In addition, it ...

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No.89 Heating of the gas for evaluation

[ Problem Point ] Could not be heated the dummy gas to evaluate the performance of the catalyst. [ ⇒Kaizen Point ] The double glazing tube specification DGH type for medicine-proof of the Air Blow Heater was used, and it ...

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